YEAT: Youth in Equine-Assisted Therapy
The number of the young European with disability is significantly rising. By 2020, around 120 million European are expected to have a disability. In the EU the 30% of people with disability is at risk of poverty and social exclusion, respect the 21.5% of people without disability.
The European strategy on disability 2010-2020 identified a series of actions and specific objectives in some areas. The objectives of the project Youth Urban Action focus on two of these key points: Participation and Equality.
Many European young disabled people live negative social experiences every day, like:
1-Hostility translated into unmasked disgust, impatience, contemptuous language and bullying;
2-Invisibility translated into removal actions, avoidance of interaction, absent dialogue, embarrassment;
3-Intrusion translated into forced joy, condescension, intrusive personal questions
In the daily action is important to see disabled people as independent individuals, and treat them as such. There is still the tendency to focus exclusively on their need for help. Instead, one should stick to the principle of not judging people by what they cannot but by what they can do. The European organizations involved should create the conditions for young people with special needs to realize their full potential. Facilitate their social life, especially generating integrated contexts. Appropriating urban spaces as spaces for openness, dialogue, meeting citizenship.
Thus, to encourage new models of thinking towards disability. New proposal, which facilitate social life, must also be supported by the community and by the youth organizations. Those, with appropriate suggestions and tools, could activate interesting actions in urban areas in each territory they belong. Spaces that involve actions with an inclusive sense and that provide ideas for citizens to change their preconception toward disability.
The YOUTH URBAN ACTION project aims to exchange good practices and generate new solutions. The European organizations involved will thus have more tools to facilitate integrated youth aggregation. Redefine, therefore, inclusive urban places not only form the urban point of view but also for aggregation.
Relocated the relationship to the center and socialization opportunities that overcome the obstacles of intrusiveness, invisibility and obstacles of intrusiveness, invisibility and hostility, thanks to guided experiences.
Merit of an education in social life that includes diversity in one's own experience.The urban space, like a square, a park, a public building can thus become the theater of events where young people with special needs cannot meet. Affirm your identity, communicate without preconceptions and be facilitated in this.
