TOUCH the equality of differences
Touch the Equality of Differences is a project funded by the European Community, specifically by the European Solidarity Corps, the EU’s new programme for young people from 18 to 30 years of age to build a more inclusive society, help vulnerable people and answer to social problems.
It offers the opportunity to live a learning experience, as well as a moment of personal and professional growth, in one of the Member State of the EU, making positive changes in local communities; promoting the participation of young people with fewer opportunities and from disadvantaged backgrounds, also through local activities.
The integration of disabled people, especially youth and adults, is still a goal that requires efforts by public institutions and political organisations. The current historical period seems to reinforce discriminatory ideologies and tends to increase the fear of the difference. In a European Community that is increasingly trying to strengthen itself with respect to these ideologies and invests resources in the education of the European citizen, the project "Touch the equality of differences" is a useful communication and dissemination tool to fight against handiphobia and ableism.
Carried out in Italy but situated in an International Event like Danza Urbana, TOUCH supports the promotion of the European Solidarity Corps and its ideals on several fronts.
DANZA URBANA festival often features conferences and performances of social impact. For these reasons, the group of young volunteering dancers, able and disable, thought to involve in this project an integrated network of artists. The project foresees the realization of artistic-choreographic meetings to create a video-campaign for the promotion of the equality of differences. To give voice, in doing so, to a new vision of disability sustained by Corpo Poetico® Research for other movements method of the choreographer Anna Albertarelli.
The artistic residency will be held during the first week of September while Danza Urbana event will take place on September 6th 2020. The project will contribute to strengthen the integrated cohesion among artists; the ability to create a urban incursion to engage citizens; to improve their relational skills with the “different” from themselves; to experience their capacity of creative autonomy. The video-campaign will be the communication tool to spread new visions of diversity, overcoming fears and prejudices.
The project is coordinated by Creativi108, in collaboration with Danza Urbana, Poetic Body ® Research for other movements, Alma Danza and XL Reggio Emilia.

Full title: Touch the equality of differences
Start: 27.08.2020
Finish: 26-08-2021
Programme: ESC31
Sub-Programme: Local
Website: www.creativi108/touch


Roberto Ruager
Roberto Ruager
Roberto Ruager
Roberto Ruager

A sostegno della campagna per l'inclusione promossa dai giovani volontari nelle scuole e nelle piazze delle città italiane.
Video story
Campagna di sensibilizzazione