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Cooperative learning and gamification



Collaborative learning and gamification: tool "Asiti" to prevent discrimination in the classroom.




The course ‘Create the future   citizen and changmakers in the classroom’ introduces the participants the concepts of discriminazione cultural and religious  and the necessary skills creative. Undertand the historic and cultural event in the past. The course use the process facilitation tools gamification and cooperative learning in classe. Provides tools and teaching for a practical laboratory. Also addresses the issue of teaching innovation methodology and active citizenship and the requirements for a stimulating learning environment where future citizen  and changmakers will be created. 

Moreover, 'Create the future citizenship and changmakers in the classroom' course provides participants with examples of how innovators can be motivated, inside and outside the classroom, and the importance of 'passion' in creating good change in the society. Furthermore, the course debates the challenges of ASITI project make around the Europe related to teaching and learning, such as teamwork, specialization, risk, creativity, among others. 

The course is wrapped up with insights related ASITI Canvas process. Simple way to conduce the classroom for explore a cultural and historical events and generate innovative active citizenship games. 
is an ideal course for all those wishing to develop a stimulus learning environment in which future changmakers and citizen will be created. This is a master class course for school principals, academic personnel, teachers of primary and secondary education, VET trainers and administrative staff and parents interested in motivating their children to become the future changmakers and citizen 




  • Understand the concept of changemakers

  • Comprehend the importance of creativity and innovation

  • In depth understanding  innovative gamification methods and tools for simple cooperative learning in class 

  • Knowing how to use ASITI canvas tools in the classroom

  • Learn how to teach & motivate a potential changemakers the role of play and passion in a learning environment





The cooperative learning offer a series of significant advantages at personal and professional level. Investing in the  course, the participants will be benefited by gaining skills to ensure continuous and sustainable innovation within their organization and drive long-term business growth as a result. Moreover, the participants will gain an understanding of the application of innovative procedures and be capable to lead, develop and enhance their organization’s ability to innovate. Equally important, the participants who work as teachers and/or trainers in the primary, secondary and tertiary education will be able to create a ‘passion-driven’ classroom environment in which future changmakers and citizen  will thrive. Therefore,  course brings substantial benefits not only to participants but to their organizations as well as to their students.




  • Lead, develop and enhance the ability to innovate in a global business environment.

  • Boost self-confidence for crucial decision making.

  • Gain an understanding of the application of innovative procedures for successful implementation in practice.

  • Become recognized as a strong advocate for innovation.

  • Enhance the ability to communicate innovation to your colleagues.

  • Gain the skills to ensure continuous and sustainable innovation within organisation and drive long-term business growth as a result.

  • Develop a tailored action plan to move the organisation forward.

  • Create a classroom "driven by passion" to encourage the fight against discrimination for cultural and religious reasons.




  • design and implement innovation strategies

  • manage and embed collaborative learning

  • improve business’s capacity to identify and develop innovative proposals

  • drive long-term growth and corporate success, in a global context.



BENEFITS TO PARTICIPANT’S STUDENTS (for teachers, trainers & all those involved in formal & non formal education)


  • Increased attendance

  • Higher academic achievement

  • Use opportunity recognition/ problem solving skills

  • Translate problems into opportunities

  • Apply principles of human relations management

  • Engage in anti-discrimination ethical citizenship




The course is ideal for:


  • School principals and directors (primary and secondary)

  • Teachers (primary and secondary)

  • Academic staff (tertiary)

  • Directors and personnel in International coordination offices (tertiary)

  • Government officials and all those in charge of educational policy (government, ministry of education)

  • Directors/managers (companies/NGOs)

  • Leaders

  • Trainers (formal and non formal education)

  • Parents




The course methodology will ensure the active involvement of the participants in all phases, that is, prior, during and after the delivery of the course. More specifically, upon confirmation that the course will take place, the participants will receive preparatory material (if needed), which will cover all important concepts to be presented during the delivery of the course. The participants will have the opportunity to exchange feedback with the organizer of the course, Creativi108, and the trainer as well as to request any clarification related to the content of the course.

The methodology of the training is based on a combination of three important elements:

Provision of knowledge required (theory)

Use of training tools, such as case studies, videos, games, animations and exercises (practice - hands on experience)

Feedback / reflection (review)

During the delivery of the course, the participants will receive hard copy material, which will cover the content to be presented in all five (5) days of the seminar. The material will be presented in a form of Power Point (PPT) presentations, videos and animations. Moreover, the active involvement and hands on experience of the participants will be secured through various training tools, such as case studies, worksheets, scenarios and exercises. These training tools are necessary to ensure that the theoretical knowledge gained by the participants can be used in real life scenarios; an important aspect & added value for any training course.

On the final day of the course, the participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the information received and the experience gained in the specific field of study. A cultural activity will also be organized in the country where training with a tour guide will be held.




The course is ideal for school principals, teachers of primary and secondary education, trainers, administrative staff in schools & universities, staff involved in informal and non-formal education & parents.

By the end of the course, delegates will have acquired capabilities to:

  • Understand the concepts of cooperative learning in class

  • Create a learning environment for future citizen without discrimination attitude.

  • Parent, motivate and teach a leader

The participants will:

  • Comprehend in depth the concepts of gamification for learning

  • Understand the skills required by future citizen without discrimination attitude.

  • Understand the challenges of Twenty-first Century Teaching & Learning

  • Learn how to remove the barriers that prevent innovative learning

  • Learn how to create a stimulus and passion driven learning environment for the future anti-discrimination ethical citizenship




Certificate of attendance & certificate of competence (skills & competences required – Europass CV) Europass mobility certificates – to be issued by the applicant’s National Authority (NA)






  • What is changemakers? What is anti-discrimination ethical citizenship?

  • Importance of cooperative learning in class

  • What are the main skills for cooperative learning for teachers or trainers?

  • Teaching against discrimination : is it possible?


Operative Lab

  • Asiti design process

  • focus history and cultural discrimination problem to analyze

  • Canvas Asiti define 

  • cooperative lab and feedback



The challenges 

  • Tools for gamification: storytelling

  • Make a games with anti-discrimination questions

  • Risk avoidance vs. Trial and Error

  • Intercultural activities



Design gamification 

  • Design a new learning games 

  • present a collaborative learning results

  • Testing games in the group

  • Taking risks

  • Create a ‘passion driven’ classroom

  • anti-discrimination citizenship impact for the class

  • Overview of the course – reflections and evaluation


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